Treatment with microscope

In modern dentistry, the microscope is an essential tool for examination and diagnostics.
As of October 2016, we have used the microscope for a variety of procedures.

“If you cannot see it, it does not exist” – this saying is appropriate when it comes to dentistry.

We use the microscope in the treatment of root canals and caries, and during prosthetic and surgical procedures. It is also necessary in situations where what can be seen with the naked eye raises questions, thus to get the best answers a microscope needs be used. The microscope enlarges the targeted area and provides ample light that makes all tiny details, cracks and crevices visible.

Using a microscope allows us to notice and handle even the smallest details. This in turn enables us to create a higher-quality result in terms of accuracy, clarity and certainty in making treatment decisions.

We use Labomed Prima DNT and Labomed Magna microscopes.